

When the dog starts to swallow or cough, deflate the cuff and pull the tube out gently.

Put your hand in front of its nose to check that it is actually shifting air, rather than just making breathing movements.

Put it into its cage, lying either on its side or front, with its neck extended.

One member of the group should keep watching it until it can hold its head up on its own. The others can go and help clear up.

One member of the group must come back at 8pm to check their animal, water it and take it out to urinate. If there are any problems call the duty nurse.


When the sheep starts to chew, deflate the cuff and pull the tube out gently.

Put your hand in front of its nose to check that it is actually shifting air, rather than just making breathing movements.

Prop it up on its sternum and take it back to its pen.

Lean it against a wall propped on its sternum.

One member of the group should keep watching it until it can hold its head up on its own. The others can go and help clear up.

One member of the group must come back at 8pm to check their animal. If there are any problems call the duty nurse.
