Anaesthetic machine routine check

This check should be carried out each time before using the machine.

(A more normal anaesthetic machine.)

2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8a 8b o2Outlet flowmeter vaporiser popoff bag circuit scavOut scavTube1 scavTube2 circuitEx

  1. Check that there is a source of oxygen attached (either a gas line or bottle) and that there is sufficient oxygen for the anaesthetic.
  2. Turn on the flowmeter and check that the ball or bobbin stays steady (the bobbin should spin round but not jump up and down).
  3. Check that there is a suitable vaporiser attached, that it contains enough halothane, that you know how to turn it on and that it does actually turn on - they sometimes get jammed up.
  4. Close the pop off valve.
  5. Put your thumb over the animal end of the circuit and put some gas into the circuit.
  6. You can either fill the bag and watch it to check that it stays inflated, or squeeze it and feel for leaks / watch the pressure gauge for a drop in pressure. Normal animals should not need more than 20cm water to inflate their chests.
  7. Keeping your thumb over the animal end of the circuit, open the pop off valve and squeeze the bag to make sure that the pop off valve opens properly.
  8. Check that the scavenging tubing is connected to the pop off valve and to the wall connector at the other end.

There are other types of checks done at the start of the day's anaesthesia (movie 4.2MB), assume everything was working then and just do this basic check.

 Check oxygen is plugged in. 
 Turn flowmeter on and check that it works. 
 Check that vaporiser is connected and has isoflurane in it. 
 Close pop off valve. 
 Put thumb over end of circuit. 
 Fill bag with oxygen and squeeze it. 
 Open the pop off valve and squeeze bag. 
 Make sure scavenge tube is connected - both ends! 
 Make sure scavenge tube is connected - both ends! 
 oxygen outlet 
 ball-type flowmeter 
 isoflurane vaporiser 
 pop off valve 
 rebreathing bag 
 breathing circuit 
 scavenging outlet 
 scavenge tubing 
 scavenge tubing 
 expiratory end of circuit 