Anti-cancer drugs
  • seek advice before using and check latest protocol
  • remember the aim is to prolong useful life
  • handle drugs with great care
  • commonly used drugs

    Anti-cancer drugs

    The options for treatment of cancer in veterinary practice are fairly limited:

    None of these options is ideal, and the last three are not cheap.

    Current anticancer drugs are some of the nastiest drugs available and are not to be used lightly.

    For this reason, this chapter aims to give you an overview of the subject rather than specific instructions on how to use these drugs.

    Treatment philosophy
    Choosing drugs
    Risks to people
    Large animals
    The future?

    Anti-cancer drugs lecture

    Further reading

    Dobson, J.M. and Gorman, N.T. (1993) Cancer chemotherapy in small animal practice. Blackwell

    Kitchell, B.E. and Dhaliwal, R.S. (2000) CVT update: anticancer drugs and protocols using tradional drugs. in Current Veterinary Therapy: Small animal Practice 13, ed Bonagura, Saunders