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Hypochoeris radicata

Other names

flat weed (Aus)


Perennial rosette-forming plant with a tap root. Leaves all basal, oblanceolate, toothed, c 25 x 100mm, covered with stiff hairs. Flowers yellow, dandelion-like c 25mm diameter on branched stalks which produce milk when broken. Involucral bracts have a row of hairs up the middle. Seeds attached to fluff for wind dispersion.

Similar plants

There are many dandelion-like plants, including NZ dandelion, hawkbits and hawksbeards. In Britain and S. America where they come from, there are hundreds of very similar species / subspp, which may interbreed. Only 3 spp. of catsear recognised in NZ, including smooth catsear. This diversity may have implications for the amount of toxin present.


Common in rough pasture and waste ground throughout NZ.



Species affected

Possible association with 'Australian' stringhalt in horses. 10kg/day for 50days has produced disease on a farm (in Brazil) where stringhalt had occurred, but catsear from a neighbouring farm had no effect.

Clinical signs acute

Clinical signs chronic

Stringhalt, laryngeal paralysis.

Post mortem signs

Peripheral neuropathy.


Clinical signs, EMG.

Differential diagnosis

Trauma, CNS disease.


Phenytoin has been used with partial success.


Good if treated.



Araujo JA. Curcio B. Alda J. Medeiros RM. Riet-Correa F. Stringhalt in Brazilian horses caused by Hypochaeris radicata. Toxicon. 52(1):190-3, 2008

Araya O. Krause A. Solis de Ovando M. Outbreaks of stringhalt in southern Chile. Veterinary Record. 142(17):462-3, 1998

Cahill JI. Goulden BE. Stringhalt--current thoughts on aetiology and pathogenesis. Equine Veterinary Journal. 24(3):161-2, 1992

Cahill JI. Goulden BE. Jolly RD. Stringhalt in horses: a distal axonopathy. Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology. 12(5):459-75, 1986

Dixon RT. Stewart GA. Clinical and pharmacological observations in a case of equine stringhalt. Australian Veterinary Journal. 45(3):127-30, 1969

Galey FD. Hullinger PJ. McCaskill J. Outbreaks of stringhalt in northern California. Veterinary & Human Toxicology. 33(2):176-7, 1991

Gay CC. Fransen S. Richards J. Holler S. Hypochoeris-associated stringhalt in North America. Equine Veterinary Journal. 25(5):456-7, 1993

Huntington PJ. Seneque S. Slocombe RF. Jeffcott LB. McLean A. Luff AR. Use of phenytoin to treat horses with Australian stringhalt. Australian Veterinary Journal. 68(7):221-4, 1991

Huntington PJ. Jeffcott LB. Friend SC. Luff AR. Finkelstein DI. Flynn RJ. Australian Stringhalt--epidemiological, clinical and neurological investigations. Equine Veterinary Journal. 21(4):266-73, 1989

Slocombe RF. Huntington PJ. Friend SC. Jeffcott LB. Luff AR. Finkelstein DK. Pathological aspects of Australian Stringhalt. Equine Veterinary Journal. 24(3):174-83, 1992

15 December, 2008