

anaemia - a condition where numbers of circulating red blood cells or haemoglobin are low. Usually assessed by measuring packed cell volume.
haematopoiesis - the process of making blood cells.
polycythaemia - too many red cells

Anaemia can be caused by a number of factors which come down to decreased RBC production caused by nutritional deficiencies or bone marrow abnormalities (non regenerative anaemias); and increased RBC removal caused by haemolysis or chronic bleeding (regenerative anaemias). In severe cases blood transfusion may be necessary but the definitive treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia is relatively common in small animals and is treated with immunosuppressive drugs.

cause species treatment
acute anaemia of unknown cause all whole blood (fresh)
nutritional deficiencies iron piglets iron preparations
vitamin B12 dog & cat parenteral B12
cobalt (required for B12 synthesis) ruminants oral cobalt
folic acid dog & cat oral folates
bone marrow abnormalities chronic renal failure dog & cat anabolic steroids
(reduced erythropoetin production) ? erythropoetin
aplastic anaemia
anticancer drugs
dog & ferret
dog & cat

withdraw drug
reduce dose?

toxins all fluid therapy?
infections all treat infection, fluid therapy?
excessive RBC destruction autoimmune haemolytic anaemia dog & cat immunosuppressives
drug reactions all withdraw drug
parasites, eg Haemobartonella
treat infection

This list is not exhaustive!!!


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