Class 4 antiarrhythmics - Calcium channel blockers

Note that some (verapamil, diltiazem) are more specific (but not completely specific) for the heart and others (dihydropyridines: nifedipine etc) are more specific for blood vessels (as vasodilators). They block the inward Ca++ current across membranes of myocardial cells and vascular smooth muscle. This inhibits both phase 4 of the action potential and the contractile mechanisms of vascular and smooth muscle. They also slow phase 0 in SA and AV nodes
Verapamil is the drug of choice for severe acute supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and may help with atrial flutter or fibrillation.

Side effects

peripheral vasodilation - hypotension
decreases myocardial contractility


Diltiazem is similar in most respects to verapamil except that it has more favourable pharmacokinetics, and has been reported to be more effective in feline idiopathic dilated myocardopathy than verapamil. It is usually preferred for long term oral use.

pathogenesis of arrythmias
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